Jasmine Cario

Creating a Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian not only allows you to nominate others to make decisions for you, but putting these documents in place also takes the pressure off your loved ones in the unfortunate event that you lose capacity during your lifetime (to see more read https://hansonslawyers.com.au/what-is-a-power-of-attorney-and-an-enduring-guardianship-do-i-need-one/)

In some cases, if you do not have a Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian and you lose capacity, your loved ones will be required to make an Application through the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) to have a Financial Management Order and/or a Guardianship Order put in place to allow them to manage your affairs on your behalf. Don’t worry, we can place any limitations on the powers of your Attorney and Guardian as you wish!

Contact us today to discuss how nominating an Attorney and Guardian can benefit you.